Coconut Shell and Wood Charcoal exporter-supplier

Coconut Shell and Wood Charcoal exporter and supplier

Coconut shell is part of coconut fruit in the form of endocarp, hard, and covered by coconut husk usually coconut shells in use it as craft material, fuel, and briquettes. In the section at the base of the coconut shell, there are 3 growing holes (ovules) indicates that the original ovule was perforated and that which was growing

usually 1 piece only. One of our mainstay products as Coconut Sheel And Wood Charcoal exporter and supplier, of course, is none other than coconut shell and wood charcoal. We source coconut shells and charcoal from the best-producing regions in Indonesia and several countries from abroad.

Benefits of Coconut Shell

Become a Natural Food Preservative

The coconut shell that you want to use as a natural preservative is a shell that is processed into a liquid shell. Processing is done by smoking the coconut shells and then collecting the thick liquid smoke that resembles soy sauce from this smoking.

Being a medicine for diabetes sufferers

One of the benefits of coconut shells for health is to become a medicine for diabetics. Its use can be done by following the steps below. First, clean the coconut shell from the coconut husk stuck in it. If it is completely clean, then boil the coconut shell in a pan, but it must be a pot made of clay.

Treating Poisoning

Food poisoning is a dangerous condition that can even kill someone. If you or your acquaintances experience food poisoning, then the first aid you can do is to consume charcoal produced from burning this coconut shell. There have been many results from processing coconut shells into charcoal or activated carbon. Choose these products to be safer for consumption.

Lowering Cholesterol

Another benefit of the coconut shell is to help lower cholesterol. Cholesterol that is too high is not good for health, therefore cholesterol levels must be kept normal. Therefore, those of you who have problems maintaining good cholesterol levels can take advantage of this coconut shell.

What are the benefits of coconut shell and wood charcoal?

Benefits of Charcoal for Plants

  • Used as a fertilizer, the carbon content in charcoal is an important nutrient in a number of plants and can also increase soil pH levels.
  • Eliminate odors from the refrigerator, keep a few pieces of charcoal in a perforated plastic bag then place it in the refrigerator, not only in the refrigerator, this method is also effective in avoiding odors in shoes, bathrooms, and others.
  • Mix compost, compost from vegetable waste or fallen leaves mixed with a little charcoal to increase the carbon content of the compost.
  • Cut flower preservative, put a lump of charcoal at the bottom of the vase to keep the cut flowers fresh for longer.
  • Maintain soil moisture to prevent weeds by using charcoal as muscle.
  • Growing media for orchids to increase alkalinity.

The benefits of charcoal are mostly used for growing media and plant fertility. This is because charcoal is not able to bind large amounts of water so it is very suitable for use in areas that have high humidity. Charcoal plant media has its own charm because of its ability to act as a buffer, so if there is a mistake in providing nutrients, the charcoal can immediately neutralize and adapt it again.

So what are you waiting for, immediately contact Coconut Sheel And Wood Charcoal exporter and supplier now? Why should we order? Because of the materials we sell, we guarantee the quality will not disappoint you and you also don’t have to worry about prices anymore, because you will get a variety of quality materials at a cheaper and friendlier price.

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